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January 12th, 1939

Maury Paul, for instance, has give him wonderful write-ups in the paper and you can inquire from Clifton and Maury who have been at these various parties and you will see that they join me in my opinion.

Though you have your own orchestra for the Club, Dryer might come in handy for one or the other private party that someone you know in Palm Beach will give this season.

The day before yesterday I lunched with Paul Kotzebu with whom we had such a wonderful day last year on your boat. He inquired whether I had heard from you and wanted to have your latest news. As far as I understand, Paul and his wife are selling for Rome at the end of this month where they intend staying for some time before going to Paris, and have abandoned their plans to go to Florida.

A bit of amusing gossip which I can report to you and which I ask you to keep to yourself is that I was told yesterday at Len Hanna's during lunch that out of a blue sky a gentéeman presented himself to Winsor French and during the course of the conversation, developed to be no one less than Clifton Webb's father. Clifton upon hearing this was upset no end and denied emphatically the story, stating his father had died many years ago. I hope this has no reaction on Oscar Wilde's, "The Importance of Being Earnest"! However, as I can you, don't make any use of it, as I certainly will not upset Clifton.

And now to yourself. If you have a few moments, drop me a line and tell me how you are. I hope you don't work as hard as you did last year: it isn't worthwhile. You should give yourself more rest and not worry so much about other people's troubles. I was under the impression, the last time I saw you, that you were tired and irritable. You were in such wonderful shape when you came to Paris after your trip on the continent.

Tell me also how the farm is and what is doing at the Club. Are you satisfied with the outlook of the season and do you think you will have a good year?  So far the weather here up north has been so mild and beautiful that people really have not thought much of going south, but that might change over night.

As to myself, I don't know what I am going to do -- whether I am coming down at all.....if so, it would not be before the middle of February. 

But let me close for today. Hoping my lines find you in good health, I am -- with tons of good wishes and kindest personal regards,

As ever,

Hugh Dillman, Esq. 
Sandy Loam Farm
West Palm Beach, Florida