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November 20, 1968

Dear Mr. Duffy:

It was pleasant indeed to receive your letter of November 17th, as well as your check in settlement of your purchase of the portrait by LEHMANN. My firm's official acknowledgement is being mailed separately.

I am thus glad to learn you find real enjoyment with this painting, though I am not surprised to read you had encountered certain difficulties at first in communing with it - so different it is, I understand, from the works of art which surround you. You must have realized that I in no way urged you, for it is one of my definite principles not to try to convert a collector to my own views, and if you had not agreed with me as to the quality of this portrait I would have preferred your returning it.

You comment on the "darkness", but you will remember that the early portraits by Degas are very much in the same tonality. Also characteristic of the work of the latter are the direct approach to the subject, the simplicity of treatment, the psychological value, and the intimacy of the scene. Though establishing this esthetic link may be an interesting point, however it does not constitute the reason for admiring this portrait, for we can appreciate Lehmann for himself, as he was an accomplished artist who was hailed in his days. As you will recall, he was commissioned to carry out a very important mural decoration for the Hôtel de Ville, in Paris, which, unfortunately, was completely destroyed at the time of the Commune, in 1871 - the two drawings we have in our exhibitions are related to these panels. these were acquired by a New York collector.

We have made a note about the date at which you would like the drawing attributed to Jean CLOUET to be shipped, and with which we will send a small easer - your idea of having it close at hand is excellent.

With best regards, in which Mrs. Parker joins me, 

Germain Seligman

Mr. James F. Duffy,Jr.
1415 Parker Avenue
Detroit 14, Michigan