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November 8, 1968

Dear Mr. Duffy:

When you receive this letter you will be already in possession, I hope, of the lovely "Portrait of Emile-Jacques Lafon, by Henri LEHMANN, and enjoying it. 

Also, under separate cover, I am mailing a pamphlet containing a photograph of your painting, as well as a photostat of the article written by Dr. Hans NAEF, of Zurich, in the NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG,October 29, 1967, which is of considerable interest as it is probably the most exhaustive biography on Lehmann. To facilitate matters I have had the beginning of the article translated, which extract you will find in the brochure. Dr. Hans Naef is the specialist as regards INGRES' portraits, hence this study, Lehmann having been not only a pupil, but also a great friend of Ingres.

Herein, I take pleasure in sending you my Firm's invoice in the amount of $5,000 covering this purchase.

Let me take advantage of these lines to thank you for allowing us to keep your drawing attributed to Jean (or Jehan) CLOUET,in our current exhibition. You will be happy to learn, I am certain, that it is being much admired by all discriminating collectors who come to our show. As you know, the drawing will be shipped to you shortly after the closing, and bill for same will be sent to you then.

I realize that the decision you reached in acquiring these two items constitutes quite a break from the trend you had followed so far. If I may say so, it is a wise one which will open new vistas and give you a great deal of satisfaction in the years to come.

With all good wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. James F. Duffy. Jr.
1415 Parker Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48214