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in New Orleans, La., which is in the vice district, were unanimously adopted at a Negro mass meeting and will be forwarded to Superintendent Gwinn.

Pro. C. F. O'Kelly has resigned the presidency of Kittrell College to become dean of the National Training School at Durham, N.C., of which Dr. James E. Shepard is president.

We regret to learn that Lieut.-Col. Charles Young is confined to the Letterman Hospital in San Francisco.

One hundred colored women met in New York City and formed the Women's Auxiliary to the Fifteenth Infantry, N. Y. N. G.  Miss Susan E. Frazier was elected president.

A training camp for 1,250 Negro officers was opened at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, June 15.  Commanders from six army departments selected Negro applicants as follows: Northeastern, 40; Eastern, 240; Southeastern, 430; Central 195; Southern, 75; Western, 20.  This provided for 1,000 colored men selected from college graduates and members of Negro regiments of the National Guard, and was exclusive of 250 non-commissioned officers and enlisted men assigned for training as prospective officers from the Negro regiments of the regular army.

A Negro battalion, numbering 600 Denver citizens, has been given authority for organization by Adjt.-Gen. Baldwin.  Capt. Thomas Campbell was commissioned major.

The First Separate Battalion D. C. N. G., probably will be expanded into a regiment as the result of the decision of the War Department to permit the National Guard of the country to organize new units.  An additional battery of field artillery may be organized.

Colored cavalrymen of the 9th and 10th Regiments acted as an escort to Marshal Joffre at West Point.

Mayor Mitchel, of New York City, appointed the Hon. Charles W. Anderson a member of the committee for entertainment of the visiting War Commissioners Joffre, Balfour, and Viviani.

The Fredrick Douglass Guards has been organized by colored men in Des Moines, Iowa.  Atty. Geo. H. Woodson, formerly first sergeant in the 25th U. S. Infantry, donated the use of 100 repeating rifles.

The City Council, Chicago, Ill., appointed Dr. Allen A. Wesley, formerly major in the 8th regiment and now assistant attorney general of the state, as two representative citizens on the committee of one hundred selected to entertain Gen. Joffre of France and his staff.

The Red Cross Unit of the National Red Cross Association at Howard University remained over after the close of that institution to sew for the soldiers, and a request came to them from the National organization for two women and a man to be sent to Atlanta to aid in relieving the victims of the recent fire in that city.

The entire student body of Sumner Colored High School, in St. Louis, Mo., numbering 1,000 boys and girls, at a mass meeting voted unanimously to give up all athletics this spring and summer and devote their spare time to gardening.

Major John H. Anderson, who has been detailed at Monrovia, Liberia, for two years as a U. S. Army officer, succeeding Lieut.-Col. Charles Young, has arrive in San Juan, Porto Rico, on his way to take up his duties.

Dr. Ernest Lyon, consul general of the Liberian Republic in the United States has received word that the Republic of Liberia has severed diplomatic relations with the imperial German government and will cooperate with the United States and her allies in the prosecution of the war.

H. T. BURLEIGH'S "Southland Sketches" for violin and piano were included in the numbers given by Doris Baker, violinist, who was the assisting artist at a Southern concert given by the Richmond Male Choral Society, Richmond, Va.

On May 15 Mr. William H. Richardson, baritone of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Maud Cuney Hare, pianist, appeared on the program of the "At Home" Musicale given by the Boston composer, Mrs. Edith Noyes Greene, at their studio in Huntington Chambers.  Mrs. Hare gave music talks prefacing Mr. Richardson's offering of song groups.

Miss Yula T. Hardin, a pupil of Straight University, gave her graduating piano recital on May 18 at the college chapel.  She is an exceptionally talented young musician and is a student of both the harp and piano.

Miss Revella Hughes, who is the second 


graduate in piano from Howard University School of Music, gave her graduation recital at the close of the session.  She is a pupil of Mr. Roy W. Tibbs and has unusual possibilities.  Miss Hughes will teach next year at the Washington Conservatory of Music.

Coleridge-Taylor's "Atonement" was given May 20 by the Metropolitan A. M. W. Church Choir, Washington, D> C. 

The Hampton chorus, composed of 700 voices, has given a fine rendition of Part 1 of Mendelssohn's "Elijah" under the direction  of Mr. R. Nathanial Dett.  Dr. A. T. Davison, chorister of Harvard College, sang the baritone solo.  Dr. Davidson was sent to Hampton Institute to study the music situation there at the request of the General Education Board.

The Mendelssohn Club at Albany, N. Y., featured the Foote setting of Coleridge-Taylor's "The Farewell of Hiawatha," with Louis Shenk as baritone soloist at their closing concert of the season.

The West Indian Progressive Association gave a very successful concert at Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada, with Daisy Tapley, contralto, and Roland Hayes, tenor, as the visiting artists.

"Rachel," the race-play written by Miss Angelina W. Grimke, was presented at Brattle Hall, Cambridge, Mass., on May 24, under the auspices of the Sunday School of St. Bartholomew's Church.  The principals, although amateur actors, deserve mention for the splendid performances of their roles.  The part of Rachel was taken by Mrs. Harriet Keelan Johnson.  During the intermission, Coleridge-Taylor numbers were played by a selected trio, consisting of Maud Cuney Hare, pianist; Clarence Cameron White, violinist, and J. Harrell, 'cellist. 

At the twenty-fourth annual exhibition of the Art Students' League of Chicago, held at the Art Institute May 4 to June 11, works of two Negro artists, Charles Clarence Dawson and W. M. Farrow, were shown.  Mr. Dawson's "Cotton Pickers," "The Bathers" and "A Spot on the Boul. Mich.," and Mr. Farrow's "From Under the Bridge" were exhibited.  The latter's "Moment of rest" is on exhibition at the Independent Artists' display in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago.

The Phyllis Wheatley Home Association of Detroit, Mich., recently presented Mr. Roland W. Hayes, tenor, in a song recital at the Second Baptist Church of that city.  Mr. Sinclair White Tyler, violinist, and Mr. Harry P. Guy, organist, were the assisting artists.  The Cleveland, Ohio, Branch of the N. A. A. C. P. has presented Mr. Hayes in recital at the Cory M.E. Church, at which two of Mr Henry T. Burleigh's songs were used, with the composer accompanying

The closing exercises of Haines Institute of August, Ga., included the rendition of Cowen's "Rose Maiden" with Mr. Roland Hayes as the assisting artist.  Of his singing, Mr. T. J. Hickman, a. member of the Board of Education of Augusta, and president of the Augusta Choral Society, wrote: "As for the Boston tenor, he was delightful.  I do not know when I have heard a more pleasing voice, so well modulated and colorful.  He would do credit to any organization."

"Just On the Other Side," the music of which is composed by a colored girl, Miss Mary M. Gibson, won the competition for the class of 1918 at Radcliff's annual interclass song competition.  It will be included in the authorized college song book.

Miss Beatrice Perry, a colored girl, has been revealed as "Neave Perry," whose short stories in magazines have won praise for the past two years.

The sixteenth annual recital of pupils of Mrs. Estelle Ancrum Forster was held June 15 in Boston, Mass.  The 1916-17 class included 3 students in harmony, 3 in organ, 4 in solfeggio, and 42 in piano.

Mrs.  Meta Z. W. Fuller, of Framingham, was awarded second sculpture prize of twenty-five dollars offered by the Massachusetts Branch of the Woman's Peace Party.  Her work was titled:  "Peace Halting the Ruthlessness of War."

Six thousand people attended the contest held in Indianapolis between Bethel Choir of Chicago and Allen Chapel of Indianapolis.  the Chicago Choir, led by Prof. J. A. Munday, defeated the home choir.

In Winchester, Va., "Jake Among the Indians," written by Principal P.W. Gibson of the Douglass School, was successfully presented by the pupils of the school.

Pupils of the senior classes of the industrial High School in Birmingham, Ala., presented a patriotic pageant, "The Negro in American History."

The Norfolk Colored Dramatic Club gave a successful presentation of Charles Klein's "The Lion and the Mouse" at the Colonial Theater under the direction of J. C. Stith,