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for the benefit of St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

Mrs. Emilie Hapgood will continue the Colored Players as an organization and next season they will be seen in a Broadway, New York, theatre in a new program of plays. Mrs. Hapgood will also present the players on tour.

The Martin-Smith Music School in New York City has held its tenth annual recital. The symphony orchestra of 130 members was assisted by the choir of St. Marks Church and gave the "Magic Flute" Overture and the "G Minor Symphony" of Mozart, among other numbers.

In New York City Miss Nora Bayes is appearing at the 39th Street Theatre with a company of forty, three-fourths of whom are Negroes.

Albert Sammons and William Murdock, both in khaki, gave the first performance of a violin sonata in D-Minor (ms.) by Coleridge-Taylor, April 14, in London. "All our efforts to identify this work with the help of the 'official' biography of the composer have proved unavailing." The Daily Telegraph adds: "But from internal evidence it would seem to be an early work. It is brimful of a delightful kind of melodiousness. The workmanship is for so gifted a composer simplicity itself. Is it possible that the sonata should fill one of the lacunae in the composer's published list of works—op. 25, 27, 28, 32 all seem to be missing." The Times spoke of "passages of serene, almost feminine, beauty, expressed in rapturous and rather breathless sentences."

A patriotic kermis, representing United States possessions, was given by the pupils and alumni of School No. 17, Indianapolis, Ind., under the auspices of the Woman's Council. Mrs. W. E. Brown was the director. Two thousand people saw the performance.


MISS ESSIE GOODE, a graduate of Columbia University, has been appointed pathological chemist at the Presbyterian Hospital connected with the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital of Columbia University.

Philadelphia, Pa., has a force of 287 colored policemen.

In Chicago, Ill., a tag day has brought $800 to the Old Folks Home and $600 to the Phyllis Wheatley Home.

State Officials of Tennessee, after investigating the restaurants of Chattanooga for two weeks, declared that the cleanest one was conducted by a Negro.

Colored taxpayers in Elizabeth, N. J., have started a movement to form a taxpayers' association in order to unite their efforts in the matter of public improvements. They own about $300,000 worth of property.

In Hobson City, Ala., an exclusive colored town, there are 4 churches with a combined membership of 700, a public school with 250 pupils, 12 progressive stores, waterworks, electric lights, police and sanitary departments, a jail and a governing board, elected every two years, which consists of seven municipal officers, including a chief of police.

Three white men, with their faces blackened so as to disguise themselves as Negroes, held up the cashier of the First National Bank at Kittyville, MD, getting $10,000.

Douglass Memorial Hospital in Philadelphia has been appropriated $24,000 by the State, an increase of $4,000; Mercy Hospital, $14,000, an increase of $4,000; and the Downington School $25,000, an increase of $5,000.

Cherry Street Branch of the Evansville, Indiana, Public Library is for colored people, and had during 1916 a circulation of 15,077 volumes.

Large numbers of well-to-do colored people lost their property in the Atlanta, Ga., fire. The colored Odd Fellows building was used for relief purposes and a committee of eight prominent citizens, including three colored men, H. H. Pace, E. A. Oliver and A. F. Herndon, was appointed for rehabilitation.

Two California men have received Carnegie Hero Medals:  Julius Malone, who lost his life in saving guests of a Los Angeles fire, 1912, and Victor Milton, who was permanently crippled in rescuing a woman from a fire.

The West Virginia Legislature has made the following appropriations to colored institutions for the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1917, and ending July 1, 1919:

West Virginia Collegiate Institute...$103,700 
Bluefield Colored Institute... 40,000 
Storer College... 5,400 
Colored Tuberculosis Sanitarium... 40,000 
Colored Orphans' Home... 35,000
Barnett Hospital... 2,500

Through Mr. Claude Clark the colored people of South Texas are to have a bathing


pavilion in Galveston, accommodating 300 bathers at a time.

Girard Miller has been appointed to the police force in Buffalo, N. Y.

The Brooklyn, N. Y., Branch of the Y. M. C. A. has closed a contract for the erection of a new $200,000 building.

The fourth annual flower market of the Women's Co-operative Civic League has been held in Baltimore, Md.


W. H. WEST, formerly a janitor in the Federal Building at Trinidad, has invented a window transom. It can be adjusted in any size window and prevents dust, rain, snow and all kinds of insects from coming in and at the same time gives plenty of fresh air. Mr. West is said to have been offered $50,000 for his invention.

The glass works in Spring City, Pa., are substituting colored girls for white boys. They are paying the girls as high as two dollars per day where the boys formerly employed received seventy-five cents per day.

In Harlem, New York City, Mrs. Emma J. Murray has opened a department store. In conjunction with it she will also operate a hairdressing and beauty department.

George M. Johnson, in Pittsburgh, Pa., has invented a car caging device for all kinds of mine shafts.

Pueblo, Colo., has over 100 manufacturing plants representing thirty different lines of industry, giving employment to several thousand colored men.

One hundred and nineteen Portuguese Negroes from the Cape Verde Islands are held at the Immigration Station in New Bedford, Mass., under the literacy clause in the immigration law. They probably will be deported.

Fifteen colored women have been employed at the Ivorydale roundhouse of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad as wipers of engines.

Colored women in Cleveland, Ohio, have been employed as car cleaners on the Big Four Railroad in place of colored men who struck for higher wages.

The J. B. Key Oil, Gas and Mining Company has been organized by Negroes in Okmulgee, Okla., with a capital stock of $1,000,000, and J. B. Key, a wealthy Negro business man, as president and general manager. It is planned to consolidate all the colored oil companies in Oklahoma into this firm.

June 30, 1912, there were 4,463 Negro Postal Savings depositors in the United States with $189,432 deposited. Following are geographic division statistics:

New England ... | 161 | $3,640 
Middle Atlantic ... | 881 | 30,027 
East North Central ... | 580 | 28,992
West North Central ... | 392 | 19,906
South Atlantic ... | 1,124 | 43,263
East South Central ... | 597 | 23,571
West South Central ... | 481 | 19,850
Mountain ... | 130 | 12,528
Pacific ... | 117 | 7,655


THE 10th annual session of the Negro State Medical and Pharmaceutical Association met in Guthrie, Okla., for a three-day session. The Mayor of the city, John R. Hogan, welcomed the delegates.

Dr. Mary F. Waring represented the National Association of Colored Women at the meeting of the National Council of Women held in Chicago, May 10 and 11, at Hotel Congress.

More than 100 Negro delegates representing 15 states were present at the initial session in Fort Worth, Tex., of the Tenth National Sunday School Convention of the Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

A centennial meeting of the Frederick Douglass Campaign Committee was held May 17 in Brooklyn, N. Y. Many prominent colored citizens lent their names as patrons. The Rev. Geo. Frazier Miller delivered the address.

The 4th annual convention of the National Alliance of Postal Employees will be held in Atlanta, Ga., July 11.

The National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools will assemble in New Orleans, July 25, for its thirteenth annual session.

The 19th annual session of the Medical Society of Negro Physicians, Pharmacists and Dentists of Kentucky met in Winchester May 9 and 10. Dr. P. M. Flack, of Louisville, presided.

The Southern Sociological Congress will be held at Blue Ridge, N. C., July 30 to August 3.

The golden jubilee of the Independent Order of St. Luke will be celebrated August 21-23 in Richmond, Va.

The West Virginia State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs met in its tenth annual session with the Women's Improvement League at Charleston, May 25 and 26. A measure providing for defective children was discussed; a telegram co-operating with