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The Horizon


The new Baldwin County Industrial School for Negroes at Daphne, Ala., has been formally dedicated.  The principal address was delivered by Dr. R. R. Moton.

[[symbol]] The Rev. Dr. James Stanley Durkee of Brockton, Mass., white pastor of a Congregational Church, has been offered the presidency of Howard University.

[[symbol]] Biddle University has seventy-five stars in its Service Flag.

[[symbol]] Messrs. O. M. Francis, A. R. Newsam, F. T. Reid, and H. E. Skeete have successfully passed the medical examination at McGill University, Montreal, Can., which entitles them to the degree M. D.

[[symbol]] Prof. R. S. Grassley, formerly principal of  Wechsler High School, Meridian, has been appointed assistant supervisor of Negro rural schools in Mississippi by the State Department of Education. He is a graduate of Alcorn A. & M. School. 

[[symbol]] At Clark University, Worcester, Mass., Kelly Miller, Jr., has been appointed Senior Fellow in Physics for 1918-19, and Francis C. Summer, Senior Fellow in Psychology for the same year. These fellowships are worth $300 each.

[[symbol]] Last year 328 Negro school houses were built in the South at a cost of $392,000. Of this the Negroes contributed $161,419, Southern whites from public funds $125,781, and Rosenwald Fund $96,841.

[[symbol]] During the past year there were 320 cases prosecuted in the courts of Detroit to compel parents to send children to school. There was not one colored case.

[[symbol]] Gladstone Shirley, a college student of the College of the City of New York, won first prize in Spanish in a city-wide contest held by the American Association of Teachers in Spanish. He had studied Spanish only two years.

[[symbol]] The Board of Supervisors of Sunflower County, Miss., has given eighty acres of land to the Delta Industrial Institute at Doddsville, and also contributed nearly all of the $4,000 raised for building. W. F. Reden, a graduate of the State University of Iowa, is principal.

[[symbol]] The Strange Industrial School, with property valued at $4,000, has been burned by incendiaries near Baton Rouge La. It has been supported in part by Federal appropriations.

[[symbol]] Pupils of the State Normal School at Montgomery, Ala., have raised $450 and invested it in Thrift Stamps for erecting eventually a Patterson Memorial Building honor of the late W. B. Patterson.

[[symbol]] Aileen G. Reese graduated at the Technical High School, Providence, at the age of seventeen. She was on the editorial staff of the school paper.

[[symbol]] Livingstone College enrolled 500 for students last year representing twenty-five states and four foreign lands. A beautiful mausoleum in honor of J. C. Price, founder and first president of the college, was dedicated at commencement.

[[symbol]] Dr. F. J. Peck has been elected president of Western University at Quindaro, Kan., to succeed the late Dr. H. P. Kealing.

[[symbol]] Eighteen thousand colored school children in Philadelphia raised $275,000 for the Third Liberty Loan.

[[symbol]] Roland Harrison, Jr. a colored graduate of the Scranton, Pa. Central High School, has been awarded a scholarship for college work.

[[symbol]] Virginia Union University defeated Wilberforce University in their annual joint debate.

[[symbol]] The General Education Board announces that during the last fiscal year out of the total appropriations of over $3,000,000 it has spent $343,035 on the education of Negroes.

[[symbol]] Sadie Tanner Mossell, niece of Dr. N. F. Mossell and granddaughter of Bishop Benjamin Tanner, has completed her college course in three years at the University of Pennsylvania and has been awarded one of the four university scholarships in history.

[[symbol]] The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Hampton Institute will be celebrated October 21 at Hampton, Va. President Wilson may be present.

[[symbol]] Theodore T. Nichols, of British Guiana, a graduate of Lincoln University and of the Medico Chirugical College of Philadelphia, has been given the degrees of M.D.C.M. and L.M.S., with distinction in medicine and surgery by the Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia.

[[symbol]] Fisk University, by defeating Howard and Atlanta in the Twelfth Intercollegiate Debate, became champions of the Debating Triangle for 1918. The subject debated was: "Resolved, That universal compulsory military training should be adopted as a


Transcription Notes:
mandc: The symbol looks like a backward D with the curve slightly filled in. It is an older printing symbol called a capitulum and is the tailless version of the more familiar pilcrow paragraph symbol. I could not find a printable version to copy and transcribe, but here is a link to the explanation: