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The property of the Philadelphia Divinity School of the Episcopal Church at Fifteenth and Woodland avenues, Philadelphia, has been sold to colored people and will be occupied by the Mercy Hospital. Ten thousand dollars has been paid down and $120,000 is to be raised.

At Atlanta, Ga., five thousand people heard a Negro chorus in aid of the colored Y. M. C. A. Over $12,000 was raised. Mr. David T. Howard, a colored man, added another thousand dollars to his contribution, making a total of $3,300 in all. The Governor of the state and the Mayor of the city occupied boxes.

The libelous film play, "The Birth of a Nation," is being widely suppressed both North and South.

The white women of South Africa have responded to an appeal of the colored women and opened the Y. W. C. A. centers for them in Cape Town. Similar branches are contemplated in four other cities.

At Richmond, Va., the United States Government has bought 793 acres of land owned by colored people to build an ammunition plant.

When the steamer City of Athens was sunk by collision with the French cruiser, Mrs. Florence P. Harrison, daughter of the president of Macon University, Macon, Ga., her two-year-old baby and two other persons were saved by the heroism of the Negro fireman, James Wallace, of Savannah.

It has been decided by the Kentucky Court of Appeals that the Corporation taxes of the state must be divided among the colored as well as the white schools. The present law directed that corporation taxes go exclusively to white schools.

Raymond Jenkins, a Baltimore colored boy, saved an eighteen months' old white child from drowning in the sewer.


BIG Bethel A. M. E. Church in Atlanta, Ga., in a spring rally raised $5200.

St. Paul A. M. E. Church, Rome, Ga., at a recent Sunday night rally raised $1140.

The latest figures for church membership have been given out by the census bureau for the ten-year period ending December 31, 1916: The colored Baptists report 3,018,314 members, with 19,423 ministers; the African Methodists have 552,265 members, with 8,175 ministers; the Zion Methodists have 258,433 members with 3,962 ministers; the colored Methodists have 245,749 members, with 3,402 ministers. Other colored Methodist bodies have 16,875 members with 598 ministers. As compared with the last report of 1906 this shows an increase of 750,000 members for the colored Baptists and 75,000 members each for the African Methodists, the Zion Methodists and the C. M. E. Church.

At the general conference of the C. M. E. Church the proposal to unite the three Negro Methodist church bodies was approved by a vote of 304 to 48. Bishop Greer confirmed 165 colored people at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The candidates came from nine colored Episcopal churches in Greater New York.

St. Philip's A. M. E. Church, Savannah, has raised $4,045 in a rally.

The Methodist Church South gave last year $49,900 to colored schools.

The Church Extension Department of the A. M. E. Church under Dr. B. F. Waterson reports total assets of $418,686 and a cash balance of $27,178.

The Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York City raised $24,213 last year. The Rev. A. C. Powell is a pastor.

Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York City, has celebrated its fortieth anniversary. Among other things it gave the play, "Mine Eyes Have Seen," by Alice Dunbar-Nelson, recently published in THE CRISIS.


CHARLES KNIGHT, a Negro riveter of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation at Sparrows Point, Md., drove 4,875 three-quarter rivets in a nine-hour day, breaking the previous highest record by 433. The Washington Times says:

"Foreman Knight set an excellent example of efficiency to every citizen of the country, whether he be black or white."

Mr. Knight has been given the first international prize for riveting, $125, offered by Lord Northcliff. At the Newport News, Va., yards there are 8,000 Negro shipbuilders.

In the recent increase of wages granted by W. G. McAdoo, Director-General of the railroads, it has been ordered that after June 1 no discrimination in wages shall be made between white and colored men doing the same work. At present Negro firemen, brakesmen and switchmen receive only from two-thirds to three-quarters of the wages paid white workmen.

Newton Smith, a colored planter in