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Friday, January 6, 1928

Walked to school with Elly Freeman. Saw Al in the lunchroom and gave him a note - Then gym - I said I perferred second team - So now I'm sort of half and half - Finally the game - Second - Gamma - Eighth. Al was refing- with Wally Reichenbach - I made one foul shot - The score was 36-4 - What a licking - well I tried - but next time I'll try harder - much! Al and I walked home - either its my imagination or he felt wrong about something - He hardly smiled - and was serious for such long times - Bob Jonas came over this evening - he was nice. Told me how he never used to believe in going with other girls - but Gerry said he should - and how Margaret Sonn [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] likes him - and he can't make her see it - He got very serious and I like him better that way - He isn't the type who can try to be funny - and succeed! Then I answered such a nice letter from Al - it was awfully nice - He's so darling - "Inamoured" Bob used in connection with Phil etc - I wonder - if - Al - is too!


Saturday, January 7, 1928

Gosh - it seems just ages ago - that I saw Al - but it's really only about 10 hours or so - He came over at 10:30 - until 12:15 - And was - I just can't quite think of an adjective to describe him - lovely? darling? — Yes - and more - We spent such a very - very nice morning - Then to Laura's - and "the Gaucho" with Gail, Dich H, Harold Loewenheim, F. Oppenheimer, D. Bullowa - Very nice - Then I came home and Al telephoned that "Chickie" and he had gone out - to the Roxy - and NOT to the Strand - He was so nice - honestly - Then at 8:20 Smush and I went to the evening dancing school - as Miss O'Neill's guests - It was lots of fun - Orvil has a cold - but everyone else was fine - 

I can't help thinking about Al though - He means so much more - Yes, I'm a damn fool - But I don't care - And I won't see him all to-morrow - Disgusting - Al - I wonder if its mutal - I think so - and gee - how I hope it is!

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