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Sunday, January 8, 1928

A week ago to-day I got this diary - From now on, each week I will re-read the previous week.
This morning walking with Daddy. Arma's. Lunch. And at 4.30 dancing school. At first it was nice-but very unexciting - Then Dick Herman and Peanuts came, and that made it better.  I learnt the Two-Step. 
Smush telephoned. Dick G. was over there - She was so happy!
I wanted so very very much to telephone Al - but I didn't! Honestly, nobody can compare to him ______ and _______ oh well! --
Perhaps I'll get a letter to-morrow!

Monday, January 9, 1928

Monday morning - and a twelve page letter- which kept this from being "blue Monday" Went to school - school as usual. After sewing, we had rec - Up on the roof, and so I played until 4:30 - Then I met Al- he was waiting for me and we started home - He was so very very nice — And when we got home, we went into the Green Room       It was just a few minutes, but they were exceptionally nice ones! Al told me had said something to Dan about our betting — I'm to know Friday — I wonder —

I answered the letter! Started to when - at 7:50 P.M. Al called, to tell me to set my watch the same as his — It was lots of fun. At 8:28 he called again, and we tried to hear the radio time - but missed it — I did oodles of homework — and finished the letter — and "schlafe bis zum Morgen!"

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 22:25:07