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Saturday, January 14, 1928

No letter from Al! A crazy dream about him last night! Walked to the midget E.C.S-H.M. game with Peanuts -He had a date so I went with Al at 11:30- and we fooled around until 12:30. He gave me such a darling letter; about my helping him on his outlook for college —  Gee-that's what I've wanted to - so badly! Talking! Oh - once again I say he is darling! Then lunch at Marion Steiner's, with Liz, Jane H. Laura. Saw "Rosalie" awfully cute. Swell music! Supper at Liz's — Talk afterwards! Then at 9:45-10:15 I talked to Al on the phone — He began fooling about being angry about the pen - and I believed him! Gee, I almost cried - but finally he said it was only fooling. I wrote a letter - Was it silly of me? I guess so! BUT--------- To-morrow a telephone call - I think. Oh dear - as the "whoozis" says

"Enough Aline - Subside!"


Sunday, January 15, 1928

Lunch. and the elevator-man brought up a letter from Al — So nice. Explaining he only was fooling last night, and apologising - It was such - a darling letter - but what does one expect? Charlie Chaplin in the "Circus" it is a wonderful movie - Really awfully good. Arma's - She is no better! Supper - Mother says I must stay home to-morrow as I have a cold, and millions of pimples - So that's that - I won't see Al — d—m it! I'll send a note to him though!

Gee-----another day minus - well the next day is Tuesday so ------- 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 10:56:32