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Wednesday, January  18, 1928

Down with Caryl Golby- History- Science-Al for a moment — Chorus -German- Lunch- Math- Fooling around- Finally the games 2nd team G-A. First team D-8- I couldn't play- so I wrote them up for Ethics- Light! Home with Al-----------------!!! Gee- Each time he gets nicer- by far-

Mr. and Mrs. Healy for supper. They are so darling They run Androsoggin. He and she are both "Swell" They are my idea of an ideal couple - I'm crazy about them - I wish Al could see 'em- He'd like them too- 

They are so happy - so young- but so interested - and theire ideas are really worthwhile-

"And so to bed" as Samuel Pepy's says-

Thursday, January 19, 1928

Down with Caryl Golby. History. Assembly. (Mr. Lemon reading 'Lost Silk Hat' and 'A Night In An Inn') — I broke the mirror Al gave me - the one with the trumpeters -- Math. Lunch. Broke Laura's mirror. German - Sewing - Then Sue and I went to the dentist's - and then to have a haircut - Home. Made fudge for J. Lewis - Wrote a letter to Al: Honestly - I'm so crazy about him - I swear I'd die if he threw me done! Well to-morrow the E.C.S - H.M. game - and I'm coming home with him - No one seems to realize - and those who do —————— Well, Al dear - we know - and "We fear no - one!"

[[Dots spelling out the name AL, and a mirroring downward as a reflection of AL]]

Transcription Notes:
Pls note we don't need to retain line breaks in transcriptions ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 18:26:58