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Friday, January 20, 1928

A darling letter from Al - School - Lunch and Joan with Al – Math.  Gym.  Up to the game with Smush.  H.M. had a very very good team.  Score 75-29 -  Al going home with me.  We walked around - and he told me Joan had taken and pulled his tie, etc. and acted very dumb and she was a "half-wit"  We made a date for Sunday! -

Then he called up to say that he'd left his keys at school — and only got home at 20 of 8—! — We talked a little while and then he called later and we talked for a very long time — gee — — Yes, of course he's darling—"er" — than ever! 

[[image]]  B&G-Inc. 

Going to the J.V.—H.M. game tomorrow AM.


Saturday, January 21, 1928

Met Al at about 9:20 and we took the subway up to H.M. for the midget game.  They wanted him to score, so he did for the half — but was angry.  Came home for lunch.  Peter having Michal and Hughie to see "M. Mary" — Met Babs J. at "Porgy".  It is a perfectly thrilling thing — the plot is excellent, the cast could not be better, and it is so well done.  The funeral scenes, and the one between Bess and Porgy is marvelous.  You are held at such a pitch.  I'm awfully glad I saw it (pen gave out)
Came home.  Al phoned, Supper.  Long talk with Lizzie.

About to-morrow, I don't know if I should ask Al to take me to dancing school at 5 or not.  I think "yes" — because otherwise mother will be angry .. as she will say I'm "consentrating".  So from 3-5 I'll have a perfectly divine time - and from 5-6 I don't know!  Orvil evidently has lost all interest.  According to Hughie's version "I saw Aline and beat it" - said Orvil — I'm really sorry, because after Al I like Orvil — He's a very fine fellow — 

[[note]] continued on p.20 [[/note]] has personality plus good-looking, and lots of fun.  Well - Orvil E. — I'm sorry - but I hope [[strikethrough]] I'll [[/strikethrough]] you won't "beat it" all the time—!

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-21 07:04:14