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Thursday, January 26, 1928

German Exam- Easy- I think I got a B+ or perhaps an A- I hope so, anyway!- Then a 2 hour I.Q. exam- Lunch here with Alice Harris- I think we were both very catty- about Susan- but even though it all was true- It was not necessary to say all we thought about the matter- Down to bring Miss Whitaker, "Dreams" and "Fire-flies" for something or other Supper - talk with Smush on the phone. Talk with Al- and then to bed.

I'm afraid this book is not very interesting ---but afterall - stories are much more exciting than facts-and all I think is perhaps more exciting than an exam week- But I guess I haven't even had exciting thoughts - So here is the reason for these pages, lately, being just a boring account- or rather just a date book---? Life is a date-book really- isnt it?


Friday, January 27, 1928

Smush, Dick G and Al just left. We had such a nice time. There is only one regret I have in connection with this friendship.  Smush seems to have Dick first- Aline second- I guess she's right! Al is so, so, so darling - Every time I see him I like him more and I don't really know why!

This afternoon- rather at 11:30 I met Liz. Walking, Lunch at Childs with her Rehersal- "Beau Sabreur" with Liz, Dick and Al- It is very very good- but sort of a let down after "Beau Geste" Anyway I liked it-

Then finally supper---etc--- An awfully nice day!

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