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Friday, February 3, 1928

School Game. Gamma Eigth 16-14- Of course they won. Katsenstern asked me to come down with Caryl. She started Caryl playing - and as she made several baskets she was kept in. In an apologetic tone later - she said I needn't take a shower & [[strikethrough]] wasn't [[/strikethrough]] hadn't Caryl played well. Al walked home with me----An awfully nice letter from him--


Saturday, February 4, 1928     35
Lunch. Al phoned he couldn't keep the date- and as Liz couldn't either- then Dick would take me. I felt pretty badly- but Mother said it was a joke- Finally I believed that. We (four) met. We went
to see the "Last Command" with Jannings. It is a marvelous piece of acting. Especially at the end. Then we (Al and I) came home--- He was perfectly lovely I really do "love" him---.