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Thursday, February 9, 1928

School Played in the park with rec. Walked home with Al and he came up and it was awfully nice-

Worked and fixxed stuff for the party.


Friday, February 10, 1928   
School Walked home after gym fixxed the house. Back for the Alpha-8th second team game. The game was lousy- but I was supposed to have played well. I made 5 of our nine points. Fly won with 18. Home with Al Got dressed. My dress is lovely. The party was great. I sat next to Dan. He danced with me a great
deal. Al did not. He was dancing with the pills, etc. But just the few times he did were the nicest of all the evening. I gave him the "whoozis bracelet" to keep and so he took it home-

After he left I came back and wrote a long letter to him. I know now - that I really do love Al - I have thought so for a long time but I thought it very rash to put it down "in black and white." but now I see that it is a very sincere and deep friendship reaching farther than just the border of love!