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Thursday, February 23, 1928

(Con't from p.55)
re-reading the entry of Saturday, I am amazed. It certainly gives the impression of not liking Al, and that is very wrong. The trouble is, at that moment the responsibility of it dawned on me. I am afraid that [[strikethrough]] the tables might turn [[/strikethrough]] perhaps Al won't care for me - but I can't even think of that - it would [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] be awful. I will not see him now until Monday. I wish I could meet him Sunday, but I don't think I can.

Wednesday morning, inspite of a cold I went out with Dan, for a walk in the park. We walked all over, and talked a great deal. He was very nice.

Lunch - and Al came. Dad treated us to the movies, so we saw two crazy pictures. But during this time "[[?our]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] clasp of hands" told everything, and it was fine. A walk home, and a few minutes discussion on patriotism. I said I thought it absolutely wrong to have saluting of a flag - parading - a national anthem, and so forth. A great argument then ensued. Al's side was that it was simply a symbol of the love and respect all people feel. That this sort of thing was necessary. That my (see p.55)


Friday, February 24, 1928

It is now four days since I have written here, and since then I have had several new ideas, as to the way in which I will write. I have read "The Diary of a Dissappointed Man" Barbellion, and it is written in a style that I would like to imitate, to a certain degree. He writes only when [[strikethrough]] necessa [[/strikethrough]] he feels like it. Often paragraphs, or sketches discribing people as things constitute an entry. It is silly to write as a duty, and only when one feels like writing does he write the true thoughts and emotions he feels.  Since I last wrote lots of things have happened. This Al—Dan business has been going on, and I now think I realize how my affection towards them is. I love Al. I like Dan a great deal. There is a difference. They are different.  They are both nice to be with - but I enjoy Al's company more in the sake of friendship and companionship, while Dan's is an interesting, entertaining nice time.  The whole explanation is that Dan is really older than Al.  Mother's attitude is quite funny. "Things are seldom what they seem.." She seems to think that Dan is the kind of boy who would et - and Al the good and very proper fellow. But someday perhaps she will wake-up—! I was just

See p.54