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Monday, June 4, 1928

July 12
The morning.  On deck writing to Bob.  The wireless officer.  Lunch with nine courses and nine terribly solemn people masticating this fairly good food with equal precision and seriousness.  The view of the Ballearic Islands. Gaunt, stern, subtly colored, changing from greys to oranges with the sun.  Nearer and nearer. Lighthouses and monasteries.  Grass patches whereever possible. Palma! Old and soft in the sun. Divinely blue water, sail boats gleaming in the sun.  The [[?Longe]], flying buttresses, pink, graceful.  Palm trees.  Stucco. Row houses with curtains in door-ways hiding tiled stair-cases.  The hotel with the balcony.  The rich blue of the sky before night.  The moon, full and yellow. The trees in the moonlight. The bright patch on the water.  An enchanted place of fantasy and romance....

The 13th – Bright sun. Green water. Mossy rocks. Clouds, foamy and cottony over the mountains.

July 17th Thursday
July 13
The afternoon of the 13th we met two Americans. Bob Alexander, tall, blonde, and spiritual looking and Gerald van Pelt his older friends.  Both of them were architects and quite interesting. [[strikethrough]] looking [[/strikethrough]] Unfortunately they left.

July 14
The next day, clear and blue as these days are, we went to Pollenca with two middle western Americans.  The ride was lovely. Horses threshing grain.  The old wells.  Wind-mills.  Grey olive trees against green orange-trees. Alcudia – an old Roman city.  Polenca, simple 


[[strikethrough]] Tuesday, June 5, 1928  [[/strikethrough]]

July 14 
and beautiful.  The charming English people.  The view from the cliff down to the rock rising from the superbly exquisite sea.  The marvelous hotel at Fromentor.  The monastery where I had to put the chaffeurs coat over my arms!  The divine music in the monastary and the magnolia tree laden with enormous, lucious blossoms.

July 15
The 15th - on the beach I met some lovely people.  Nell, a Southern girl, not the lazy type as Frances was. Nell's brother, Jennings Perry, who is a good edition of Edward Bilmerman - and who writes and takes care of his two-year-old son Peter.  Perry's wife, Pat, Trilbyish looking, and a real person - courageous Leighton Reade, red-haired so nice looking, tattooed arms, who collaborates with Perry.  Sue, an English girl, not too reserved. And several young Mallorcan fellows – beautiful in bodies.  In the afternoon we (M. & I) went to Palma.  The cathedral of early Gothic is beautiful in its simplicity and grace.  The [[?Longe]] has lovely twisted columns.  Wandering through the little [[?fleay]] streets.  Supper.  And coffee at a small cafe – [[?Doe]]-like in atmosphere, with the Perrys, etc.  The discussion of prohibition, subways, and the Spanish costumes of kissing!  Hows.

July 16
The 16th to Soller, stopping at [[?Misalnar]] to see the most beautiful color and form in Nature I've ever seen.  Soller, a quaint little port.  The mavelous red wine (1888)!  The Spanish garden, laden with marvelous trees and fountains and flowers.  The gardener