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M/N Vulcania, August 20-29th
[[strikethrough]] Sunday, July 8, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]

Coming to "the Vulcania" again was a queer experience. Each place had some association with Bart or Henry or the Fishes- all of them. The crowd looked pretty hopeless. Two nice girls - the Taggart sisters turned out to be fine, especially the younger, Jo, who was very attractive. Her sister was typically Bryn Mawr. A family of Bradleys and Baileys from Boston where nice- Bostony. Two or three negative people from Tourist third. A bunch of cheap people. The Captain was sweet and fatherly and wise to us - up on the bridge to pass "the Saturnia", Doctor de Ferrari [[strikethrough]] and,[[strikethrough]] an effete, and rather pathetic person became most impossible when he was drunk. His assisstant, Dr. Rocco, was horribly sensuous and vulgar. The officers were nice. Especially nice was Mario Roqusire, the officer from last year, whom I met nightly on the upper deck for a rendêvous-, "Terrible".....the night the Royal Commissioner got tres faché.....the night Mother's officer same Ay-Ay-Ay, and gave us hot bread, tea, and meat. Seeing the sun-rise with Mario....the purser like [[Roto?]]....Coffee with the old man and the Bent Show man.... Glorious days....The outer rim of the Cycolone.....Sun-sets with green rays....

I have enjoyed the trip sincerely. I am awfully sad it's over, but the thought of seeing Bob makes me less sorry. Oh- it


[[strikethrough]] Monday July 9, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]

I do so hope it will be as wonderful at Placid as I have dreamed and hoped. Delicious hours- good hours- will I truly be spending them with Bob again?