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Thursday, July 26, 1928

from that. I feel it has been a sort of breathing space, in which I've tried to get my bearings, and in which I think I've suceeded [[succeeded]]. 

Tommy wrote me a very darling letter the other day telling me how unhappy he was, how he has changed and become like everyone else, how he can never love one person long, how he can't feel any emotion deeply--even death! Poor kid! He's having a hard time of it, I think. First this business with his living, and then his father, and their failing in selling the yacht, and then Bob being a sucess [[success]] at college, scholastically, athletically, and socially. He's so much softer than Bob, so much less material, so much more sensitive. I answered him a very sentimental, but very sensible, telling him mainly that all people change back to the persons they are originally--and that is true. Funny how he turns to me for sympathy. I wonder--years and years ago I can remember how you used to have everyone in "my school" come and tell me her troubles. Helping them seemed to me so very important. Now I see how one of Mother's greatest charm, perhaps the very greatest is that understanding. I wonder if I shall develop it too. I enjoy it to a certain extent, but that is probably vanity and the feeling of power. Nevertheless, I do feel that I helped Tommy this summer, and Bob, and Peanuts. 

Friday, July 27, 1928

And I feel too that I shall keep Tommy's friendship solely on this basis, and I shall not try to alter it. 

I went riding this morning with Paul Gierash, who had made a sort of science out of it, and knows a great deal about it. It was fun, and although the horse was very easy to handle I was surprised to see how well I could. I do wish there would be opportunity to ride with him again as he is an excellent teacher, and really makes one understand and like the sport more than before. It was snowing, and was quite beautiful. The woods were quite feathery, and the views all softened. I did enjoy it tremendously. 

Unfortunately the toothache makes it imperative for me to leave. I am sincerely sorry, for I have enjoyed it.