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May 11th, 1931 Monday
[[strikethrough]] Saturday, July 28, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]

Up at Amherst for a Psi U party and the Prom with Bert Cummings, who has a remarkable sense of humor and a sense of values.  Tommy was there.  He's a funny duck.  He has changed outwardly, but I suppose that what he said a week ago Sunday is true: "One shows one's best side to certain people" — and he has to me.  I am convinced, however, that that is his real side.  He [[strikethrough] say [[/strikethrough]] had Dot Riley up.  Sophisticated, [[?prom]]-trotter, beautiful figure, a few brains, blue eyes.  Bert says Tommy met her because he wanted to get "sophisticated", that Dot is crazy about him, that "he is wise to himself and poor Dot isn't".  I wonder.  His situation was difficult.  I wonder how he feels toward me.  Personally, I am still awfully drawn to him and probably always will be.  I like him better when he forgets the tinsel, and the life of which he is afraid to be afraid.  Life is funny — and people.  Meeting them, liking them, seeing them.  I don't quite know.  I had a superb time at Psi U.  Gentile people are nice — and it was all happy and grand.

July 11th —
[[strikethrough]] Sunday, July 29, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]
written on Aug. 4th

The College boards, which were an impossibly foolish procedure, left us in an equally impossibly foolish state.  I had worked so hard and expected so much, dramatic, strained times, that the end left an awful let down.  Immediately after them I went down to visit Frank Hess at Deal.  It was a lovely weekend.  The dinner.  The Hollywood dance and a big rush.  Then down to the beach with Frank.  I have always liked Frank.  He is a dependable, sincere, honest person, not really intelligent, but so thoroughly nice that his lack of brains matters little.  It was a superbly beautiful night and we kissed each other — because we really liked each other?  I wonder!  The next morning brought Harry ... and the evening and the morning in the garden by the sun dial.  New York again and a hectic time with Johnny, Howard, Johnny Waller, Eddie Klum, Burt Cuming, OW, Jerry, etc.  Alan Kridel.  Then Deal again and a more hectic time of going around and doing nothing worthwhile, and never thinking a thought worth re-thinking.  Despite of all that, or, unfortunately perhaps because of all that I enjoyed it tremendously.  Randy's appearance made it more exciting — and Frank and Harry once again — and Alan.