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Thursday, November 15, 1928

The gang-plank soon will join us to the stern

Responsibility of land [[strikethrough]] which to  And opsaln [[/strikethrough]]  And we
[[strikethrough]] Will leave behind this world, of fantasy

Away enchanted days, [[/strikethrough]]
Will leave [[strikethrough]] behin [[/strikethrough]] all the enchantment of the sea.
[[strikethrough]] And [[/strikethrough]] Oh, neither you nor I want to return!
[[strikethrough]] Behind [[/strikethrough]]
Too soon on land will we forget to care
About the [[strikethrough]] vivid [[/strikethrough]] sunset's passionate embrace
Of shy;  forget to watch the full moon race
[[strikethrough]] Behind [[/strikethrough]] The mast.  Must we go anywhere?

[[strikethrough]] The ship will still land dead in the dock, be dead there, too, [[/strikethrough]]

Too soon, on land will we forget to dare
The blust'ring breeze to blow the spray up high,
Forget to [[strikethrough]] watch the sombre colors fly [[/strikethrough]] see the silent blues [[?mke]] shy
[[strikethrough]] Quiet [[/strikethrough]] sea combine.  Must we go anywhere?

[[strikethrough]] Friday, November 16, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]

There's something perfect when two friends do meet
Again.  After a long road that led apart
For miles and miles.  Again with heart on heart
They breathe, and seem to sense in all things, sweet
Good, happiness.  [[strikethrough]] Again [[/strikethrough]] Once were they hand clasped in hand,
Wonder about the little [[strikethrough]] ways [[/strikethrough]] things they [[strikethrough]] knew [[/strikethrough]] thought
Before "Good-bye".  Again [[strikethrough]] for them [[/strikethrough]] each [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] smile is fraught
With love [[strikethrough]] that can't be [[/strikethrough]] unsaid, which each can understand.
The long road dissapears for them, who feel
Content once more to live to-day, who reach
Nor for the future road, but wish most fervently
That time will halt night now.  Most real
And true they are alive.  [[strikethrough]] again  Have [[/strikethrough]]  And each
With each, [[strikethrough]] and with [[/strikethrough]] himself and with the world, is in harmony.

The gang-plank soon will join us to the [[strikethrough]] top stern [[/strikethrough]] [[?planied]]
[[strikethrough]] Rendered [[/strikethrough]] Ideas and sordid life [[strikethrough]] there is [[/strikethrough]] on shore.  And we
[[strikethrough]] And The glamors we haven moun [[/strikethrough]]
Will leave the glamors that we [[?]] at sea!
[[strikethrough]] To sail and sail and hugs on every You? [[/strikethrough]]
Oh, neither you nor I want to reach land.