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[[strikethrough]] Saturday, November 17, 1928 [[/strikethrough]]
bcdfghjhl in u fsg rstw

Jan. 18th 1931

To sail a million million miles away
And find where blue horizon meets the sky,
And see the splendid sun rise up to die
Once more in golden glory, and to stay
A million, million years some place where time
Is infinite;  where there is quiet peace;
Where beauty seems to silently increase
Her [[?permit]].  Where reason is o'er thrown by rhyme
And fantasy & gladness are supreme,
Where no one wears a gaudy, shucky mash,
And no one watns to trouble you or ask
The why or when;  where life's a living dream –
I want to sail away and be alive –
Not bothered by my friends or telephone.

But since the "Sheet" has cut our wealth in two,
I really think that [[?loc]] farm would do

Sunday, November 18, 1928

[[strikethrough]] I send you once [[/strikethrough]]

To T.O.G.

[[strikethrough]] And since I saw you then I am afraid
that either of two things as true my de [[/strikethrough]]

I see you [[strikethrough]] once again, my [[/strikethrough]] now within a different world,
Which seems to you like some great masquerade
Of which you are afraid to be afraid
A place where everything is rightly [[?tinted]]
With [[strikethrough]] tinsel [[/strikethrough]] guady tinsel, artificial gold,
With people all alike [[strikethrough]] all uniform [[/strikethrough]] in thoughts who wear
Grand uniforms, where brazen noises blare
Most hoarsely forth.  It's not our world of old.

[[strikethrough]] And yet you don't belong to this, although you feel that you [[/strikethrough]]

Oh can't you see you're not a pall of this
Because you don't believe in it, or feel
It is your world.  Oh simple darling see
It is (4) as (2) it (3).  Oh, tell me don't you miss
The other world.  It's still alive & real –
As you, my [[?darling]], [[?]] & ought to be.