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Sunday February 23

Last Friday nite at the school, as I said, it was rotten, The old man was a fake, nothing to it, Clem was there, a heck of a lot of good it did me tho. Ruth and Wilma sat with Jake Morgan & Jake Stall. They said they sure had a good time as the boys were always saying something funny. I had a time keeping away from Keith, twice he asked me where I was going to sit while a bunch of us were standing at the door. and I turned around just then to say something to Vernola. Then he was about to come and sit by me and I moved so he couldn't. Vernola and I went out and after it started we came back in and sit on the very last seat. Royal was right across the isle from us but we couldn't "vamp" him. Wayne S. went and sit with Helen Miller,  I sure am going to tease him. Well then we went home, Ruth & Wilma wouldn't let the boys take them home.

Saturday it snowed but not much as it all melted before noon. I wrote letters to Ellen, Elizabeth, Mary B, Chester, Bell Leah Talbot and Bertha Jones. Sure was tired writing by noon. In the afternoon we went down town, tried our dresses on. Sure am crazy about them. ordered some visiting cards. got 100 had Dorothy Esther McCoy put on them, Ruth had Ruth E. McCoy put on hers. We can get them Tuesday. Then we went down to Wilmas. Saw Wilma P. Virginia S & Virginia N on the way.