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Mr Kennedy called off the wedding as he said our minds ought to be more remote from such things. Every one sure was sore.

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Saturday, April 12, 1919


Chapel was held yesterday morning. This Chapel was given over to the sophomores, who had a special program prepared.  Miss Esther Litman gave a piano solo. Miss Audrey Berry gave two readings, which were largely applauded by the students. The sophomore girls gave a demonstration to the students of how the Freshman base ball team would look after the sophomore boys beat them that afternoon. The girls gave several special prepared class yells. The sophomore boys gave fifteen 'rahs' for the girls. William Nelson, Bill Padgett, Wayne McClelland and Burton Gamble all made announcements. Before chapel only 91 students had signed up for the special train to Dewey the 26th, for the Santa Fe track meet. But by yesterday afternoon over 125 which is the required number to get the special had signed.

The Y.M.C.A. Held a meeting yesterday noon to elect officers. The following boys were elected for next years offices:

Burton Gamble, president; Clarence Strickland, vice-president; Robert Belt, secretary; Warren McNabney, treasurer.

All members of the annual staff are asked to have all their work in by next monday evening.

Next Friday, Prof. Kennedy has given the chapel rooms over to the seniors, who will put on a burlesque show of the faculty. This is being looked forward to by all the students. Visitors are welcome. Each class will have charge of the chapel exercises once.

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