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[[paper taped to the notebook]]

Friday April 12

Yesterday Bettie,Virginia & I cut sixth [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] period as Miss Harper wasn't there.  We ran into Mr.Kennedy but finally we got away and the bell rang for seventh.  

[[strikethrough]]we well out [[/strikethrough]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
Culture Club.

Mrs. J.L. McCoy, 410 Elm street, Mrs. H.C. Mprphy, and Mrs. L.L. Bingaman were hostesses to the Culture Club Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. McCoy.  A very interesting round table on "Science in the Household" was conducted by Mrs. I. W. Potter.  Miss Ruth McCoy sang a solo.  Miss Esther McCoy played a violin solo with Miss Masters at the piano.  The luncheon consisted of demonstrations by the members of their favorite recipes.  
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Like-----Ruth did some body evidently was off.  Martha sang & I played with her.  Sure had some good grub tho.
[[taped page]]
Date  Apr.25
Admit Esther McCoy
To her Classes
VEB Principal[[/taped page]]

By Vera E Blackburn