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   Chapel was held Friday morning.  Prof Kennedy led the devotionals.  Miss Elizabeth Bailey gave several piano solos and Miss Lillian Bowman gave several readings.  The students showed their appreciation by applauding them back.  William Nelson and Wilbur Padgett made important announcements.  William Carpenter the school's yell leader started the pep by leading the students in their yells.  In spite of the bad weather and difficulty in getting the special, there will be a large number of students and Coffeyville residents go on this mornings train on the Katy at 9:30 a.m.  The students and track team are in the best of spirits.  The prospect for bringing back the cup is great and everyone is looking forward to Saturday night when the winner will be named.  John Turner and a friend, both who have just been discharged from the Navy, were visitors in the chapel.. John Turner gave a short talk to the students about his navy life.  Both are graduates from the high school at Evansville Ind.  Miss Nixon gave a short talk on the track meet.
   Miss Osgood, teacher in Mathematics, left for Parsons to spend the week-end with her parents.
   The boys and girls of the Y.M.  and Y.W. play are practicing every night. This play will have two weeks practice on it and is sure to be the best comedy yet.
[[handwritten message with arrow pointing to this paragraph]]
Wilbur Padgett
Gladys Carey
Ed Woolcott
Mary M etc [[/handwritten...]]

   The track men practiced at the park last night so as to get used to running in the mud, and in spite of it they made good time.
   A track meet with Nowata has been matched and will be played next Friday, May 3.  It will be held here at Forest park.
   Miss Henry, teacher in the commercial department left last night for Cherryvale, where she will spend the week-end with her parents.