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this eve.
Floyd is home

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Will Attend Training Camp.

Tom Carey has returned home from Lexington, Mo., where he attended the closing exercises of the military academy, which his son, Tom, Jr., has attended the past year. The young man will spend a few weeks at home and on June 21 will enter the army training camp at Camp Funston. 
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This evening between 3:30 and 6 o'clock at the high school there will be an exhibit entitled, "The Relation of Latin to Practical Life," and an endeavor has been made to answer the oft repeated question, "What's the use of Latin anyway?"

The exhibit is in the form of charts which have been prepared by the pupils under the supervision of the Latin teacher, wherein a few concrete illustrations arranged in a way to strike the eye and to hold the attention are better than any number of abstract statements ineffectively presented. 

The needs and interest of the average student have been kept in mind and a perusal of these charts will show the benefits and advantages of the study of Latin. Our Latin department takes pleasure in showing this exhibit to the public as well as students of the high school.

A special chapel was held yesterday morning at 10. Mr. Churchill, an advance agent for the Redpath Chautauqua, spoke to the students about the program they will give. It will be here June 28. Season tickets are now on sale at the price of $2.20. They have an excellent program with them this year. Mr. Ayres, secretary of the Coffeyville Chamber of Commerce, gave a short talk telling of Coffeyville's advancement and the students' part in it. Professor Kennedy read the synopsis of the senior class play which will be given Wednesday the 11th. He also told some of the character and who would take part in it. Miss Hancock, Isabella Price, Wilbur Padgett and Rollin Johnson all made announcements.

The boys of the senior and junior classes held a special meeting in the auditorium yesterday after chapel to plan on the color fight.

The senior and junior classes both held a class meeting yesterday noon in the auditorium to plan on the junior and senior hayrack ride.

The Y.W.C.A. held their last meeting of the year yesterday afternoon.

The tickets for the senior class play were put on sale yesterday morning. They can be purchased from any senior and at Florea's Drug store. The prices are $1 downstairs, 75 and 50 cents upstairs. 
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Chapel was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. The Seniors were given complete charge, it being the last chapel in C. H. S.  W. E. Zeigler, Jr., played a piano solo, Aubrey Merrick gave a reading, Winifred Rush and John Bailey gave a violin and piano duet, Paula Mahley a reading, Leslie Scoville, Louise Scoville accompanied Helen Keller in a vocal solo, Leslie Scoville and William Carpenter rendered a violin and piano duet. William Carpenter gave a piano solo. Rev. Stucker gave a short interesting talk to the students on their education. Wilbur Padgett acted as chairman for the Seniors at the program. Ed Woolcott, Melvin Woods and Burton Gamble all made announcements. The Seniors gave their class yell, then gave fifteen rahs for the coming Senior class of next year. The Junior class responded with compliments to the Seniors.

The Senior class held their last class meeting yesterday noon to plan on the Senior class play, and commencement exercises.

The chorus for the baccalaureate and commencement night is practicing every afternoon after school hours. This is the best chorus that C. H. S. has had for a long while.

The Juniors are planning to give the Seniors a hayrack ride and picnic next Thursday afternoon and evening. This has been the custom every year. All the members of both classes are planning to have a good time. 

The tickets for the class play are selling fast. Everyone who is going should get their seats reserved Monday evening at the Jefferson theatre box office.
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