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A few years ago a man by the name of Wm. P. Brown owned a large tract of land joining the city of Coffeyville. Mr. Brown was one of the pioneers of this country in gas and oil development, having developed many of the best producing wells of today. He being thoroughly familiar with the needs of this section of the country, scarcity of good water, etc., concluded that there must be a subteranean sea or lake underlying his land; with this in view he undertook the tedious task of drilling an artisian well through the Mississippi limestone under which he found the Silurian sandstone, which he also penetrated many hundred feet, finally bursting through into one of the finest mineral water springs ever discovered.


The medical properties of this water have been demonstrated by reliable chemical analysis. It contains elements which have a well defined value in repairing and building up the human system. Leading physicians recommend Silurian Water and it had been used with excellent results both internally and externally by people all over the country.


Ours is the most luxuriously appointed and conveniently arranged establishment of its kind in the middle west. In all the world there are few places that equal it. Absolute cleanliness is the keynote of the entire institution, in the halls, office, stairways, gymnasium, barber shop, club rooms, baths, lavatories - this emblem of purity and cleanliness is one of the most striking characteristics of the place. The men's bathing department, a room containing more than 7,500 square feet, is literally framed in cement walls, ceiling and floor all being formed of this material. The ladies' bathing department is similarly constructed.


Ladies Bath Department Showing Rubbing Slabs, end View of Tubs, Shower Bath, Etc.