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in a clean sheet and reclines on a couch for as long a time as is required to cool off and get in shape to face the outside atmosphere.

A skilled chiropodist is in attendance. In this room there are many couches and reclining chairs. If absolute privacy is desired the bathers can secure it.


We realize the fact that the appointments of a bath house are not its most important feature. Good service is appreciated even more. In this connection we wish to emphasize the fact that in no other bathing establishment can better service be secured. We employ none but the first class attendants. They are polite, well trained and unusually skilled in the arts that insure a thoroughly satisfactory bath. We have invested too much money in appointments to take any chances with the quality of our service.


Our ladies' bathing department is entirely separate from the men's division. It is maintained on the same luxurious plan and the attendants are equally efficient in every respect---it is the same as the men's division. In addition there are hair dressing and manicuring departments, and other conveniences which ladies will prize and appreciate.


As a club, the Silurian bath house offers accommodations and conveniences for men and women which are unequalled by any other house in the world. We provide large and well ventilated rooms with lockers for each member of the golf club, another for the tennis club, another for the basket ball club and still others for the physical culture club. The ladies have their separate apartments in various clubs, all with the same elegant equipment as the men's. Think of the pool and shower without the extra charge after a game of golf, tennis, basket ball or manual training exercise. Think of the delightful plunge in this refreshing sparkling pool of mineral water. No other place in the west can offer its equal at any price.

[[caption]] Gentlemen's Bath Department Showing Rubbing Slabs to the Center, Electric Light Cabinet to Your Right, to the Left are the Bath Tubs, to the Extreme Right in the Distance are the Cooling Rooms. [[/caption]]
[[photo credit]] SMITH