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health. As a medical beverage Silurian Water, either plain of carbonated, is very popular and cannot be too highly recommended.

The following analysis, made by E. H. S. Bailey, State chemist,of Lawrence, Kansas, fixes the medical properties of the Silurian water:

Calcium Sulphate,
Magnesium sulphate, traces,
Calcium carbonate,
Lithium chloride, a slight trace,
Pottassium sulphate, a trace,
Sodium sulphide,
Free hydrogen sulphida gas, abundant
Iron and Aluminium oxides, traces,
Pottassium bromide, a trace,
Sodium chloride (abundant).


The Black Water, as it is sometimes called, derives this name from the black deposit it leaves on silver coins, turning a silver piece almost instantly.

The Black Water is strongly charged with sulpheretted hydrogen and has the odor and taste of sulphur. It has remarkable power in correcting indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation and disease peculiar to women, especially menstrual irregularities. Its effects on dropsy is always beneficial, the effusion often disappearing rapidly. A peculiar property of this water is its incompatibility with whiskey. Habitual users of alcohol find that they have no taste for the stimulant while drinking the water, and drunkeness can be cured in this way without ill effects. Physicians prescribe the Black Water generally in all disorders of the liver and stomach.


The medical department is under the supervision of competent doctors who give each and every

[[caption]] East Balcony Overlooking Gymnasium Showing Floor Space 12 x 100 Feet. This Balcony Overlooks the Gymnasium from all Four Sides, Having Seating Capacity of One-Thousand People, Affords Fine View of Exercising Work in Gymnasium. [[/caption]]
[[photo credit]] SMITH