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hyiteria, indigestion, insomnia, kidney and liver troubles, chronic constipation, chronic rheumatism is cured here in from three to eight weeks on an average, though a cure had been known in ten days. "The Silurian water is superior to all others, either natural or prepared, as an aid in surgical treatment."


The Silurian Springs are located at Coffeyville, Kansas, Montgomery county, a growing city of twenty thousand population. Have seven church, eight schools, four banks, two opera houses, ten hotels, sixty manufacturing plants, natural gas for lights and fuel, electric light plants, street cars, interurban electric road, sx railroads, eight livery stables, good saddle horses.


The grounds consists of forty acres, twenty acres of which are devoted to flowers, drives, walks, etc., fifteen acres are in the virgin forest, an ideal place for camping parties, picnics, etc. five acres are covered with water, lagoons, etc., on which you will find steam launches, row boats, etc.

Throughout the entire park you will find at proper intervals attractions and amusements to suit all classes and ages.

One of the striking features of the park is the open air beach or swimming pool which is 150 feet by 200 by 300 feet, filled with sea water and ranging in depth from a few inches to fifteen feet.

Swings, toboggans, slides, scenic railroad, shoot the shutes, in fact everything that one's heart could desire in the shape of amusements and sport can be found on the grounds.


Board and lodging, per month......$15.00 to $150.00
Physician, if needed, per month......20.00 to 30.00
Medicine, if needed, per month.....5.00 to 15.00
Bathing.....5.00 to 10.00
Total ..... $45.00   $205.00
Bath attendants furnished free.


The City and Interurban Electric Car line reach all railroad stations and will carry you from there or any part of the city to the Silurian Springs, making regular trips every twenty minutes from early morning until we close at night. 

There are also several cab and transfer lines in the city that make regular trips to the Springs and their charges are moderate.

[[caption]] North Porch and View Looking east on Veranda 12 x 100 Feet, Showing Comfortable Chairs. Trees in Distance Overhang the Verdegris River one of the Most Beautiful and Romantic Rivers of the Mississippi Valley [[/caption]]
[[photo credit]] SMITH