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Wed    JUNE 22

Dear Diary

Today I stay home and worked. Later Cindy came over and we went to Cheryl's 
Jerry going to have a party Fri. Cindy and I went to a game in which the girls played. I could have played but my back was wrecked. So I cheered. We lost. but it was a blast coming home in the truck.

Thur    JUNE 23

Dear Diary

Today Mrs. Petterson called and asked me to baby sit at 11:00-3:0
I made $1.60. 
To night mom said she'd give me $5.00 a wk to clean the house real nice. Tom got home from New York at 9:00. He went back east because his father was going to die. But he hasn't yet. 
I went to a game a Kachia. John played they lost.