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Thur. June 30 1960

Dear Diary. 

Today Tim took Cindy and I down swiming. I left Cheryl's bike at Tims so about a house away from Tims the gears siliped [[slipped]] so I fell and scraped alone [[along]] the cement. I rode the bike to Cheryls and got Bobs her Mother took me and the bike home. Mom took one look at my leg and to the hospital I went.

They washed it with a brush we wash the bathtub with. I still had my suit on. They bandaged it up real well. I got to shots.

Fri. July 1 1960

Dear Diary

Today I went to the doctor and got my bandages off. My leg really looks a mess. Mom Tom and I went to Totem and I got two pocket books. one is The Child of Our Days and Marsha by Margaret Craig. Suzanne I stayed all night with Judy. 
I didn't sleep all night because my leg hurt me. I read all of the Child - it was real sad. Ricky Barry & Wallie came over