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Tues. July 12 1960

Dear Diary

Today I finished reading Auntie Mame. I didn't do much today. I baked a pie for dinner
I went to Circle K and got a book named "Callin Nurse Adams" by Ann Pichot. I stayed up til about 1:00 reading. Im [[I'm]] almost through with it.

I just got some more pictures today from Disney. and Kids at school.

Wed. July 13

Dear Diary

[[strikethrough]] Today I got the stiches out of my -8 There's just a little patch [/strikethrough]]
Today I did nothing much
I started to read passport to Romance
I watch the Democrate Con. on T.V. John Kennedy was nominated for P. I know a new little piece Jeanne taught me to play on the pinano.