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Sat. JULY 30 1960

Dear Diary
Today Granny
called and said that 
the Art Lessons started
Mon. I didn't have
any of my clases [[classes]]
ready to go or any-
thing.I was
planning on taking
the 7:00 bus but Mom
decided to drive
up herself. We got
in about 11:00. I
got some material
to make a teen
coat so I can
paint in it.

Sun. JULY 31 1960

Dear Diary
Today we got up
about 9:00. I sewed
on my coat till 11:30.
Judy and I went to 
the drugstore to get
all my art supplies.
They came to 27.80.
The art lessons cost
$40:00. Mr. Empie my
teacher is real nice
Mom, Judy and 
Joan left about 6:00
for Phoenix. Granny
and sewed on my 
coat till 11:00.
Duncan is a
real small town
that isn't (most of the time
on the map.