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Dear Diary
Today I spose to go to a party with a boy but I told him No. I went to Cheryerls slumber party. It was a real blast we finally got to bed at 8:00. They had everything to eat
H rshk KhJD GhL UD0X LtBG.

Dear Diary
Every body at Cheryles party went [[strikethrough]]house[[/strikethrough]] horse back riding. It was alright. I was spose to go to a Pams slumber party but couldn't because Pams' hose had some friends come from Chicgo [Chicago] so we had to go [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] out with them There was a boy Judys age and mine one about 12 yr. We went skating and then to a dance I saw a boy Vincent and I doubled with once.