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Friday, July 14

Today we took Cleo to the vet for her operation. Judy and I went shoping [[shopping]] and I found the neatest sweater that I just love. Tomorow [[Tomorrow]] I want to come back and put it on lay-away. Judy and I then went to Bobs to eat and cruze [[cruise]] central again. I called Alfred when I got home and he said Buddy & Bruce went to the show tonight and didn't tell Al and I. We planed [[planned]] to go since Wed.

Saturday, July 15

Today Alfred called me and told me that we were going to the show. Judy and I went to see Bob out at the track he passed inspection OK. They made him take off his wheels and really gave him a rough time. Alfred and I went and saw "The Ladies Man" with Jerry Lewis. It was OK.

Sunday, July 16

Everybody went to the race today. Bob won. Larry B. helped build a  boy a car and for the finally [[final]] 
race Bob had to race against him. He beet [[beat]] him by three inches. It was real hot out there. They interviewed him for newsreel on tv. Every body went swimming and then we all watched him on t.v. Were [[We're]] going to go to Arkon [[Akron]] Ohio Aug. 20. We all went to mass and Holy Commionion [[Communion]] before the race. Alfred went to the race too.

Monday, July 17

Bobs [[Bob's]] picture was in the paper and a big artical [[article]] about it in the morining [[morning]] paper. Wed were [[we're]] going to a dinner and He'll get three large trophies and maybe a racer bike. I got a letter from Ann. Cleo came back from the hospital today. She still has stiches [[stitches]] in her stomach. Alfred called and asked me to a party thur.