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Tuesday, August 15


Mike came about 11:00 today. I got a letter from Alfred and it didn't sound like he didn't like me or he did. So? Ann came over we weren't home and she saw us so we played ditch em. When we came back she was out in front with Ken. I asked her to come in but she said No! Every body mad at her.

Wednesday, August 16
Judy Teddy Gary and I went to Red Rock. Teddy has a horse and a ranch up there. There was a indian grave yard and a bunch of old deserted houses. Ann apologized about last night. We all went down to Ann's and Ann messed around with Danny and Judy made off with him and stayed out far about a hour. 

Thursday, August 17
Today we all went to Saffard and I got two new pairs of shoes. Ann came over tonight and then Danny called and came over. He only stayed a little while because A was here. Later some boys came by and They said he still likes A and is just trying to make her jealous. I don't kown [[know]]? Aunt Margaret sent a dirty letter to Granny about the wreck 2 summers ago.

Friday, August 18
Today Mike and Ted Gary and Joanie and I all went to Red Rock again. We took a lunch and got some watermelons from Teddy's farm. We looked for arrow heads and went into old desserted [[deserted]] houses. It was raining real hard when we got back. Mom called from Arkon [[Akron]]. Judy and I went to the show.