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Clear   Wednesday, August 23

Alfred lost their game last night. He came over about 1:00 and stayed tll 330 We went out to eat dinner tonight A man called from North and siad I'd take Soph adv. Eng.

Clear  Thursday, August 24

Mother called and told me I had to be at the lawyers office. I had to babysit all afternoon and then I rode the bus down there. We went out to eat and then looked at house. About 9:00 I went over to Suzanna slumber party.

Clear  Friday, August 25 12:10

* got home about 11:00 and then I just started in cleaning the house. We went and looked at house again. Mother called U Frank he thinks were suing him and he was so mad. He said he never wanted to see us and then he just hung up on mom.

Clear Hot  Sunday, August 26

Today I just helped clean house and Alfred called early today. We went to the party about 8:30. It was real nice a barbuque. Cheryle called and I talked to her for awhile I went out and got kinda a tan I havent been out for about 3 wk.