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Clear-Hot   Sunday, August 27

Mom & Bob and I went to 12:15 mass. After mass we went and got the Brubans and all went swimming. After we got home Mom and I went and looked at houses. We found one we liked a real lot. Alfred called but I was home so I didn't talk to him.

Clouds Rain  Monday, August 28

Nothing unusual happened today. Mike and Joanie came home from Granny's house about 12:00 Alfred called and he starting football practice. Fred came over and Judy & I took his corvette out riding. Colleen called a girl I knew from 7th

Clear  Tuesday, August 29

Mike and I went down to school and I picked up my scheaduel. He shoued me where all my rooms are at. I have first lunch.

Wednesday, August 30

Today I was ironing and getting all my thing ready for shool to morrow. Alfred called and said he was going to come over. He stayed till about 3:30.