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Tuesday, September 12

[[no entry]]

Wednesday, September 13

School was alright. I'm getting to know the kids alot [[a lot]] better and feel more easy around them. Suzanna called and said Denis wanted to take me to the game and dance at Arcadia. He called later and asked me. I called Pam, and talked to her for awhile [[a while]].

Thursday, September 14

Today school was aright [[all right]]. I ate lunch by Willy and Bob. After I got home I told everybody I didn't want to talk anybody on the phone. So Willy calls. I was so mad Judy told him I wasn't home. We had pep assemble [[assembly]] today JoAnn was in it she looked real cute.

Friday, September 15

At school Willie asked me to go to the game since I was already going with Denis to Arcadia I had to say no. Brian a boy I know asked me out for tomorow [[tomorrow]] night. The game and Denis weren't to [[too]] much fun. The dance was OK but I was danicng [[dancing]] with a few guys and Denis got P.O. I wished I went with Willie.