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Tuesday, October 10

Ted Borek picked me to count votes and to be on the assemble [[assembly]] comittee [[committee]]. Tonight Mike Jan and I went to work on the float it looks alwright. Alfred was there and so was Craylon. I was nominated Homecoming attendent in English but I didn't get in the run offs. There's 4 girls in that.

Wednesday, October 11

Tonight after school I went to count votes for homecoming King-queen and attendents. About 7:30 Jan came over and we went to the float. Alfred was there but we didn't say much. I got to be Sect. of our English class. I take roll write on the board etc.

Thursday, October 12

Today at school Goody asked me to the homecoming dance. He's "6-1' and weights 205. He's just a doll and alot of fun. Hes on varsity football and quiet [[quite]] popular. The seniors won first place in the floats and we got third. Tonight we moved.

Friday, October 13

We had a pep assembly and we got to sit in front. If I can't get a exchange before a week I'll have to go back to Arcadia. I would sure hate to I just love North. Goody was a lot of fun. I met a lot of new kids. We won our fourth game. I sat kinda near Alfred during the game. He didn go with C.