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Saturday, October 14

I went over the other house and got all
the rest of my thinks. [[things]] Jan called and we talked about last night. My bedroom looks real nice now.
Mother and Tom Judy and John went to a costume party tonight.

Sunday, October 15

I went to church and came back and went
swimming. It sure was cold. Jan called and I talked to her for awhile.

Monday, October 16

After Driver's Ed. Alfred and I walked alone
together. We were fixing the posters in the
Cafteria [[cafeteria]] during 2 pd. [[period]] and A was in there and he came over and talked to us. Goody said something
"jokenly" about going out Fri. I don't know for sure if I can still go to North.

Tuesday, October 17

Tomorrow in excutive [[executive]]
comittee [[committee]] were [[we're]] going
to sell mustang mascots. their [[They're]] real cute. Goody walked with me to Biology. and to lunch. I think he kinda likes me. Mother called and found out for sure that I can still go to North.

Transcription Notes:
Saturday, October 14 I went over the other house and got all the rest of my thinks. Jan called and we talked about last night. My bedroom looks real nice now. Matthew and Tom Judy and John went to a costume party tonight. Sunday, October 15 I went to church and came back and went swimming. It sure was cold. Jan called and I talked to her for a while. Monday, October 16 After Drivers Ed. Alfred and I walked alone together. We were fixing the posters in the Cafteria during 2 pd. and A was in there and came over and talked to us. Goody said something "jokenly" about going out Fri. I don't know for sure if I can still go to North. Tuesday, October 17 Tomorrow in executive committee were going to sell mustang mascots. This real cute. Goody walked with me to Biology. and to lunch. I think he kinda likes me. Mother called and found out for sure that I can still go to North.