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[[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Wed, JULY 25

[[no entry]]

[[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]]Thur., JULY 26

We all went to the beauty Paouler [[parlor]]. Grandpa wander off.  We found him in the Mesa jail. We finished the dresses up.  There was practice at the church.  We decorated the car (Joanie & I)- it looked real neat.

[[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]]Fri, JULY 27

Today I set the alarm for 4:30  We were all up and getting ready.  All the bridesmaides looked real nice in their blue dresses, shoes and hats.  The Photographer was at the house taking picture.  Every thing went allright at the church.  After we went to the Breakfast.  About 7:00 we went to the reception.  It was all real nice.  Judi & Jim went to the airport.

[[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]]Sat., JULY 28

We were soppose to leave today and go to  Grannies but they didnt wan't to.  Pam came overe and we went to Park Central and I got a sweat shirt and levis [[Levis]].  Mother and I went and got the cake that was left over last night.  We also got the flowers.