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[[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] Sun. JULY 29
[[image - July 1960 calendar]]

Today Pam, Joan & I went to 11:00 mass. Afterwards I went swimming. Grannie was going too. Later we started getting
packed to go [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] to grannies house. We left about 8:00. We got there about 1:00 or 2:00. Just Joanie, Mom, Tom, Grandpa, Grandma & I went.

[[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]], Mon. JULY 30 (Duncan)

About 10:00 Duane & Gray came by.  We went and looked at Duanes car. After that we went to the drug store. Mike and Bobby came in the TR3. We couldn't get reservations so Joanie, Mom, Tom & I went to the Grand Canyon. I didn't get to say good bye to Dune [[Duane]] or Gray. We stayed allnight at Lakeside at a real
nice lodge called "lake view lodge."

Fidelity Insurance 

[[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]], Tues. JULY 31

We all got up early today. The
pines are real cool and theres a lake just down from the lodge. Joanie & I had our own room. The lodge is made out of logs and is two stories. We got to the grand cayon [[canyon]] about 4:00. It was just beautiful. Joan and I walked a little way 
down into the cayon [[canyon]]. Tom & Mom
wanted to come back that night. Tom didn't want to do
anything that caused money.

[[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Wed. AUGUST 1

Today I slept till 12:00. It was real hot compared to the pines. I wish I stayed at
Duncan with Mike & Bob. I didn't have that much fun with Mom & Tom. I got a letter from Ann Empie. Shes in Calif. now. I talked to Jan today. I went swimming. Its really been boring.

Surety Bonds