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[[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Mon, AUGUST 6
[[August 1960 calendar]]

Today Mike took me doun to see about my liscense. I had to have my birth certificate. I came home and helped Judy & Jim move. Later about 10:00 Bill called. We just talked in general. He told me he didn't go out with Kerry and their not getting along.

[[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]] Tues, AUGUST 7

Today I painted all my old furt. Instead of pink its bright purple. I started moving into Judy's room. About 7:00 John Birch came over and he asked me out. That will be the first time since the summer of 7th & 8th grade. Bob & another guy came over. I think Bob & I are going out Sat. Hal - George - Brian came over after Bob left. They didn't stay too long. Jan called. She told me Alfred's in Jamerson. I got a postcard from Bob G.

Marine Insurance

[[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Wed., AUGUST 8

Mom asked me to go see a new house with her and Tom. Bob Pelef called and asked to come over. While he was here Bob Pemeplin came too. Mike said He talked to Bill. Bill said Kerry & him just aren't getting along. John B. & I went to a drive-in. He got to take the Pontanic [[Pontiac]]. We had fun.

[[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]] Thurs, AUGUST 9

I got a postcard from Bob G. John Birch came over we just sort of goofed off. I went swimming. Mike got in a fight with Jo Ann. He says their finished. You can't tell its the third time. About 9:00 Mike and I went doun to "Jack in - We drove by Kerrys & Los Olivies. We didn't see Bill any where. I can never find where he's at. We got home abuot 1:00

Fidelity Insurance