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[[strikethrough]] Sunday, Mon [[/strikethrough]] August 14 [[underline]] Tues. [[/underline]]
Today I really didn't do to [[too]] much. Bill came over about 8:00. We watched T.V. till around 10:00 or 10:30. We are getting along just find. [[fine]] Yesterdy [[yesterday]] Gary from Duncan asked me out for Fri. night. I said [[double underline]] Mo [[/double underline]]. [[No]]

[[strikethrough]] Tue Monday, [[/strikethrough]] August 15 Wed.
I painted the rest of my furtinuture [[furniture]] in my room. [[double underscore]] Bill [[/double underscore]] came over at 6:30 and we went to Mass with Mike. I wore a black sheath. After that we - (Mike too) went to look at cars. After that we went to incantor [[?]]. On the way home we had a small accident. Mike was driving Bills [[Bill's]] car didn't get hurt too bad. He was suspose [[supposed]] to pick up Tim at 10:30 we got home at 12:00 Bill forgot his insureance [[insurance]] folder so he came back. 
Fire Insurance
It was the other cars FAUlt's [[fault]]

Thur. [[strikethrough]] Tuesday, Wed [[/strikethrough]] August 16
Since Tom gave me that little lecture last night about [[double underscore]] Bill [[/double underscore]] coming over every night I decided that I better not see him. I called Craylon S. & Wanda. Bill called - We didn't talk long because he seemed to be in a bad mood. I told him not to come over today & to call tomorrow. I went swimming today. Mike & Bob & I went to Bob's to have dinner. Bill said He was going to run at the School but we drove by & he wasn't there. It started to rain tonight. I'm 1/2 way through the book Rembrandt.

Fri. [[strikethrough]] Wednesday, [[/strikethrough]] August 17 [[strikethrough]] Thurs [[/strikethrough]]
I had this picture that hung in my room and its just a print, well I took it and painted over it so it looks like a real oil. I got two letters from Duane. Jan M. called. Bill was suspose [[supposed]] to call about 12:00 but didn't till 6:30. He decided to come over but didn't get here till 9:00. I was kinda mad in a kidding way. We had alot [[a lot]] of fun we played "monoplay" [[Monopoly]] with Joanie. Bill was winning because he had hotels and it cost you about $800 everytime. He left about
Marine Insurance

Transcription Notes:
August 15 entry looks like pen was running out of ink. Fire Insurance and Marine Insurance are the printed footers on the page. The writing wraps around these at the bottom of the pages.