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[[strikethrough]] Friday, [[/strikethrough]] August 26 Sun.

Mike Bob & I wen to 12!15 Mass. Bill called about 3:00. After mass we went to Skaggs and we saw Pam B. we were suppose [[supposed]] to do something today but she couldn't get the car. Bill came over about 8:00. We watched -"Not as a Stranger" on T.V. Mom & Tom sat in the Den all evening! Bill had to go home about 10:30. We were in the den Kissing & Mom came in. Oh dear? I just laughed Bill got shook.

[[strikethrough]] Saturday, August [[/strikethrough]] 27 Mon. 
I talked to Jan & Craylon today. I sewed on some outfits for school. Craylon asked if she could have a ride with us to school in the Morning. Bill called and he said He would meet me at school tomorrow after football practice. & to wait for him. I asked him & Tim & Craylon to come swimming afterwards. I have to go & get my books tomorrow.

Marine Insurance

Tues. [[strikethrough]] Sunday, [[/strikethrough]] August 28

Craylon & I went together. I got my schedule & books. I didn't see Bill for a long time. Kerry said Hi to me. Bill, Craylon, Tim & Mike C. left school. Mike Cordan came swimming. Bill Tim, Craylon & I went & had lunch. I met Bill's mother. We picked Mike up & then came home. We swam till about 4:00. Suszane K. came over & asked me to stay allnight [[all night]] with her. I did. It was kinda difficult seeing Kerry at school today. Bill & I have the same lunch!

Wed [[strikethrough]] Monday, [[/strikethrough]] August 29

Suzane K. & her brother & sisters & Mom came over & went swimming. I went for awhile. Yesterday Bill gave me his football jersey. It says. North Phx. Football 4B=46. Bill came over while Suzanna was still here. We just watched T.V. He left about 3:00. I was real tired so I went to bed right after dinner about 6:30. I slept till 8:30 Wanda called. I went back to sleep.

Fidelity Insurance

Transcription Notes:
Marine Insurance and Fidelity Insurance appear as footers.