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showing the internal structure of various large and ornamental species. The sections of the recent and the fossil Nautiloids are put side by side. Specimens of the Spirula, Loligo, Sepia etc. in alcohol fully labelled, alternate with stands on which are mounted the shelly parts of the same genus. 

The various shells which produce pearls stand by the side of the pearl itself mounted in a vertical tube with a hemispherical end under which, on a blackened surface, the pearl reposes in safety from dust or loss, while the base is large enough to display a proper label.

A specimen pair of Tridacna gigas weighing three hundred and one pounds has been mounted as an exemplar of the largest known mollusk of recent seas. 

Under the careful supervision of Dr. Stearns various cases containing selections of edible or economic mollusks from the Atlantic and Pacific; of ornamental species from tropical seas; of the ordinary species of our Atlantic beaches familiar to sojourners at watering places on the seashore; and of the land and fresh water species from our lakes and streams;- have been put on exhibition, with proper labels; which, however, have had in some cases to be written, since the printed series are delayed for the present, and it was not thought well to wait