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educational series. Feb. 12, 1886.

McMurrich, Prof. J. Playfair. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Information furnished on written application. Jan. 7, 1886.

Mazyck, W.G.  Charleston, S.C.
Shells named, Jan. 21, 1886.
Information furnished. May 10, 1886.

MuseƩ Royale d'Histoire Naturelle Bruxelles Belgium.
Specimens of Pteropods and copies of water color drawings from life of Pacific Pteropods furnished for use in special investigations in progress by Dr. Paul Pelseneer of that Museum. April 2, 1886.

Newlon, Dr. W.S. Oswego, Kansas.
Six lots of freshwater shells named and reported on at different times.

Orcutt, C.R. San Diego, Cal.
Specimens of shells named. Jan, 4, 1886.
Sixteen species 62 specimens shells sent in return for material received by the Museum.  June 10, 1886.

Pelseneer, Dr. Paul. Bruxelles, Belgium.
Information furnished. April 1, 1886: May 29, and June 22, 1886.